September 8, 2015

Join Me Death other. The app allows you to start or join a session in just one quick click, right from your desktop.No.exe download necessary! With pro your personal URL will be saved, and any meetings you regularly attend will be remembered in “join meeting” drop-down.

Download the Desktop App for Windows / Mac Screen Sharing

The app allows you to start or join a session in just one quick click, right from your desktop. No .exe download necessary!

With pro your personal URL will be saved, and any meetings you regularly attend will be remembered in “join meeting” drop-down.

When your meeting is running, you’ll see the same toolbar you’re used to on the web version – with some more bells and whistles.

You can get the desktop app for either a PC or Mac. Click on these links to download: Windows (as a .msi) and for Mac (as a .pkg).

Find all our apps for mobile and desktops as well as plugins for Outlook and Google here. Use to make your meetings as simple as possible, no matter what device or program you are using.

Happy sharing.


Start Ad Hoc Meeting

Generates a URL that the participants can open in order to launch an ad hoc meeting.

Endpoint URL


Property Description Type Required?
startWithPersonalUrlIf true, the meeting starts using the user's personal URLBooleanYes
viewerMode Passing 'headless' will remove the controls at the top of the viewer when opened in the browser for a more distraction free experience. To ensure all viewers experience the headless mode also pass viewerAppDetection=false
  • NULL
  • 'default'
  • 'headless'
No. Omitting this parameter, passing NULL, or passing 'default' will cause the viewer to appear exactly as it would when using without the API
viewerAppDetectionBy default, the viewerLink will check to see if the user has the app installed, and open the meeting within the app if available. If the user passes 'false', the viewer link will keep the user in the browser (viewer)Boolean No. Defaults to true (i.e. launch the app, if the viewer has it installed).
webhooksAllows your application to specify callback URLs that are notified when specific meeting lifecycle events occur (e.g. meeting started, meeting ended). See the webhooks documentation for more details.ObjectNo.

Return code: 201

presenterLink The URL that the presenter can go to in order to launch the meeting. Recommended window size: minimum 400x400 px.
Important: This is a secure link that allows one-time login for the presenter, and it will expire after 10 minutes
viewerLinkThe URL that viewers can go to in order to launch the meetingstring
conferenceIdThe 9-digit conference ID, needed to sign in to the teleconferencestring
conferenceCallNumbersUrlA URL that will list all the audio conference numbers for this meetingstring
organizerCode The presenter's 4-digit PIN code, granting him/her moderator control over the audio conference. Important: This is sensitive presenter information, and should not be shared with the viewers.string
webhooksStatusStatus information about your webhooks (if you supplied the 'webhooks' parameter in the request). See webhooks documentation for more details.Object
Example Request JSON
Example cURL Request
Example Response Meeting

Start Scheduled Meeting

Generates a URL that the participants can open in order to launch a scheduled meeting.

Endpoint URL


Property Description Type Required?
meetingId The meetingId of the existing meeting to start
Important: This parameter is part of the URL
viewerMode Passing 'headless' will remove the controls at the top of the viewer when opened in the browser for a more distraction free experience. To ensure all viewers experience the headless mode also pass viewerAppDetection=false
  • NULL
  • 'default'
  • 'headless'
No. Omitting this parameter, passing NULL, or passing 'default' will cause the viewer to appear exactly as it would when using without the API
viewerAppDetectionBy default, the viewerLink will check to see if the user has the app installed, and open the meeting within the app if available. If the user passes 'false', the viewer link will keep the user in the browser (viewer)Boolean No. Defaults to true (i.e. launch the app, if the viewer has it installed).
webhooksAllows your application to specify callback URLs that are notified when specific meeting lifecycle events occur (e.g. meeting started, meeting ended). See the webhooks documentation for more details.ObjectNo.

Return code: 200

Property Description Type
presenterLink The URL that the presenter can go to in order to launch the meeting. Recommended window size: minimum 400x400 px.
Important: This is a secure link that allows one-time login for the presenter, and it will expire after 10 minutes
viewerLinkThe URL that viewers can go to in order to launch the meetingstring
conferenceIdThe 9-digit conference ID, needed to sign in to the teleconferencestring
conferenceCallNumbersUrlA URL that will list all the audio conference numbers for this meetingstring
organizerCode The presenter's 4-digit PIN code, granting him/her moderator control over the audio conference. Important: This is sensitive presenter information, and should not be shared with the viewers.string
webhooksStatusStatus information about your webhooks (if you supplied the 'webhooks' parameter in the request). See webhooks documentation for more details.Object
Example Request JSON

Note: Include the meetingId in the URL of the request

Example cURL Request
Example Response

Docs Navigation

  • Authorization
  • Meetings
  • Business